In my last post, I asked the question, “What if we are not meant to be known by the roles we play and the things we do but rather by whose we are?”
I continue to process this very challenging question and its implications. My struggling has brought to wonder about the church itself. What if the importance of finding our value is whose we are rather than who we are is not only true for persons but also true for churches? Admit it. We define our churches by the things we do. The more programs we run the better. Our success as a church is defined by having more programs than anyone else in town. If we offer an ever increasing diversity of choices of things for people to do we are a success. But if our menu board of programs is not glamorous and loaded we must be a failure.
What do you think? Does the church place more emphasis on what we do rather than whose we are? What difference does it make?
Pastor Stephen
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