The Whitehouse

Dear friends,

As you all heard me talk about many times before, I listen to podcasts . . . a lot. One of my favorites is the EntreLeadership Podcast hosted by Ken Coleman. Recently he interviewed the entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk. During the interview, Gary said something I had to come back and type it up to share it with you.

As you read this quote Replace the word “entrepreneur’ with church or Christian.

“If you are an entrepreneur or in business, not Donald Trump, not Hillary Clinton, Not Barack Obama, not George W. Bush, none of these human beings are going to help or hurt you . . . That is a straight fact . . . I’ve really been running businesses now for twenty years, and there has been absolutely not even a second let alone a day in my life that I thought oh God great thank God Bill Clinton was President when I started this company. . . there’s never been a day when I’ve said oh man Obama has stopped me from being successful. That is loser talk with a triple capital L . . . I feel bad for the person that says, ‘Well if Trump wins or if Hillary wins or Barack wins or if George wins like I’ll be better . . .’ To think that your future rests in the hands of the government, that is a recipe for disaster, and you will turn into a pawn.” (Source:

At the end of the day, the person who may or may not be in the White House has no bearing what so ever on our ability to be people of the Kingdom of God.  Nor does it change our call to declare to the world “The Kingdom of God is near.” The church will persevere. The will of God will be done. There has never been a day in history when a political leader, no matter how good or bad, made one once of difference on this truth.

Let us not be consumed with fear or anxiety about the future. Let us not place our hope in anyone but Jesus Christ.
