We all have the same number of seconds in a day, 86,400 to be exact. Yet for must of us it feels like there are never enough. Of course there are those people we know who seem to have discovered a secret bank from which they can draw upon additional seconds when they need them. The people annoy me. Jay Akkerman in the article Making Time Stand Strong: Spiritual Formation Day by Day, shares a powerful insight about how we spend our time: “In December 2009, Nielsen reported that ‘Americans consume media at a record pace–140 hrs of TV, 27 hrs of Internet, 3 hrs of mobile video each month,’ which means than on average, Americans now spend as much time in front of their screens as they do at work” (108). Ouch!
What would happen if for one week you were to take an audit of your time, recording how each hour of the days were spent? What would you discover? Would the way you are spending your time be consistent with what you say is most important to you?
Pastor Stephen
Article published in the book Spiritual Formation: A Wesleyan Paradigm edited by Diane Leclerc and Mark A. Maddix. Kansas City: Beacon Hill Press, 2011.