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Tag: syria

Are we on the run?

crowded street
As I see the images of Syrian children washed up on Mediterranean beaches, my thoughts go to another fugitive—much older but hardly wiser. His name? Jonah. Unlike today’s refugees, however, Jonah wasn’t fleeing war, violence or hunger. He was running away from God. More precisely he was running away from the opportunity to be used as a conduit of God’s compassion. Jonah reveals his heart in Jonah 4:1-3:

But Jonah was greatly displeased and became angry. He prayed to the LORD, ‘O LORD, is this not what I said when I was still at home? That is why I was so quick to flee to Tarshish. I knew that you are a gracious and compassionate God, slow to anger and abounding in love, a God who relents from sending calamity. Now, O LORD, take away my life, for it is better for me to die than to live. (NIV)

Thousands of people in the ancient city of Nineveh (modern day Mosul, Iraq) repent and turn to God in sackcloth as a result of Jonah’s words, and Jonah’s response is to ask God to kill him. “It is better for me to die” (Jonah 4:3), he says, than to live and see you extend compassion to these people.

Jonah is angry. Really, really angry and perhaps rightfully so. After all, the Ninevites were Assyrians, people who weren’t afraid to flay Jonah’s countrymen alive in front of their wives and children and impale others on poles. In Jonah’s book, they were the absolute worst kind of people.

And yet God has a message for Jonah. Jonah thinks he has a right to be angry, but God has a right to be concerned. And so when Jonah stomps off and builds a shelter out of a few tree limbs, God does something. He sends a “Jack and the Beanstalk” type of vine–one of those vines that grows up super quickly. Sitting out in the hot sun all day, Jonah is exuberant about the vine and the shade it provides. However, the next morning his happiness once again turns to anger as God sends a worm to chew on the vine that God had made to grow. By mid-morning, he is steaming. The vine is wilted, the sun is beating down, and God has sent a scorching east wind. Once again he says, “It would be better for me to die than to live” (Jonah 4:8).

“But God said to Jonah, ‘Do you have a right to be angry about the vine?”

“I do,” Jonah said, “I am angry enough to die.” (Jonah 4:9)

“But the LORD said, ‘You have been concerned about this vine, though you did not tend it or make it grow. It sprang up overnight and died overnight. But Nineveh has more than a hundred and twenty thousand people who cannot tell their right hand from their left, and many cattle as well. Should I not be concerned about that great city?’” (Jonah 4:10-11). Jonah does not have a reply and neither do we. Suddenly we learn that God’s concerns are different and greater than our own. While we are worried about how someone has injured us or fearing someone taking advantage of us, God not only knows their name, he has nurtured them and cared for them. He has made them to grow and tended them. He cares deeply for them and values them.

Suddenly Jonah’s words in Jonah 2:8, “Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs” pertain not just to those who worship other gods, they pertain to Jonah and perhaps to us as well. When Jonah chooses to flee from God in Jonah 1:3, he clings to a worthless idol and chooses to forfeit the grace or hesed (covenantal love) that could be his. Jonah is so concerned about keeping God’s covenantal love or hesed to himself that he fails to realize that in doing so, he is actually leaving it far behind. When Jonah runs away from the LORD, he isn’t just running away from the LORD, he’s running away from a relationship with the LORD—and all because he doesn’t want God to extend to his enemy the same kind of grace and compassion or covenantal love that he himself has received and experienced time and time again.

The irony of Jonah’s story is that he cannot outrun God or his covenantal love. When Jonah begins to sink into the depths of the sea, God sends a fish to eventually take him to dry land. When Jonah stomps off in a pout, God sends a vine to shade him. And when Jonah is drowning in self-absorption and self-righteousness, God sends a worm to destroy the vine and a scorching east wind to heat things up again. God has a lesson for Jonah and for us. Those people you think are far from me—those people you view as enemies—I love them. I have tended them and I know them. I am concerned for them.

The same might be said about Syrian refugees today. God knows them, has tended them and caused them to grow. When we choose to hold up fear rather than to extend love and hospitality are we not behaving in the same way as Jonah? Are we in our attempt to protect ourselves, our way of life and even our religion actually running away from God and forfeiting the covenantal love and grace that could be ours? Can we not hear God say, “But Syria has many, many innocent people. Should I not be concerned about that great country? Should I not be concerned…”

Pastor Laura


Author’s note: I am not suggesting Syria is an evil country or that the Syrian people are evil or that they are the enemy. I am simply responding to the general fear and suspicion currently being propagated towards Syrian refugees.

Unclaimed treasures: thoughts on the Syrian refugee crisis

refugee camp

When I was around seven, my mom got a call from the American Red Cross. They were trying to track down my dad for a Vietnamese refugee staying in a Philippine refugee camp. The young man had escaped from Vietnam and made his way by boat to the Philippines. Years before, my dad had sponsored this young man’s Amerasian sister through the Pearl S. Buck Association. When South Vietnam fell to the communists, my dad lost all contact with the family. Now Michael (not his real name) was trying to reach the only person he “knew” in the United States. Would my dad sponsor him to come? My parents prayed about it and knew that if they were in such a situation that they would want someone to help them. This decision lead to days and perhaps months of preparation–I honestly don’t know how long it was from the time my parents received the phone call from the American Red Cross until we picked Michael up from the airport. I can remember going to Refugee Resettlement meetings with my mom. One of the women present encouraged others to be sure they got everything out of the “vanilla” envelopes they received from the government. She had once missed an important document for a refugee because it was stuck to the bottom of the “vanilla” envelope. As a seven-year-old, I wondered why people were sending paperwork in empty cartons of vanilla ice cream.

When Michael arrived at the airport, he had very, very little. It was winter and he had come from the Philippines. He had on a red, white and blue coat and carried a small blue bag–about the size you would put a bowling ball in–that was it. We took him home and my dad got him set up in the bedroom we had gotten ready for him in our basement. We had been a one bathroom house up until that point, but my parents had a bathroom built in the basement in preparation for Michael. I’m not sure how long Michael lived with us–maybe about six months. I remember him sitting in the living room drawing pictures with magic markers for my sister and me. One picture was of a two story house with a clothesline and gardens. That was his family’s home before Vietnam fell. It seemed to be a nice house and I remember thinking that he liked it a lot. The picture looked peaceful. When he decided to try and escape Vietnam, he went to stay with his grandmother who lived near the coast. When he got up in the morning to leave, she was dead. He ate bananas from a tree and managed to get on a small boat. There were lots of people on the boat. He drew a picture of the boat. The boat was attacked by pirates. The pirates took the gold ring his father had given him when he left. The pirates also took the babies on board and tossed them into the ocean. The babies’ parents jumped in after them to save them and drowned. Somehow Michael and some of the others on his boat managed to survive. Perhaps the pirates got what they wanted and left them alone. I don’t know if he ever said. Eventually, they got to a beach and, well, the rest is history. I know it wasn’t that easy, because he talked about surviving on bananas.

In some ways, the time Michael was in my life on an everyday basis was short, but I have many memories. I can remember my mom loading him and my sister and me in the car and taking us to the Oriental Market, so he could shop. He had his own money and I remember he bought a package of “candy” and opened it up to share with my sister and me. Expecting something sweet, I just about gagged on the dried squid he proudly offered and was probably not very gracious. He had learned how to play the piano while in the refugee camp and would sit down and play for us. Once while he was playing, I came up to him, held up my foot and said, “Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat!” He stopped playing and disappeared out the front door. When he came back, he had a package of candy–he had run all the way to the grocery store and back, which was at least a mile away.

I also remember going to Vietnamese banquets for New Years and other important events. Michael would play the keyboard and we would listen to people sing and talk in Vietnamese. I usually liked the food at these events. Some of my favorites were the egg rolls, chips that I thought looked like Styrofoam but tasted good, and the ever present Vietnamese-style “bundt” cake–I’m pretty sure it had lots of eggs in it. I got used to being one of the only blond-headed kids in the room and really didn’t mind it. Honestly, I kind of enjoyed it.

I’m sure as a family that we missed opportunities to make Michael feel more welcome, but we helped him get here and we still see each other. Today he and his wife are long-time business owners in my hometown. When my dad died, he was there at the graveside with his son. Seeing him meant so much at that moment.

Today, when I see pictures of young Syrian children washed up on shore, I’m filled with sadness. They could be my own children and it seems like this could be avoided. I know something can be done about it, because people throughout history have opened up their homes to refugees seeking asylum. And I envy countries like Germany, Iceland and Greece whose people are opening their hearts and homes to these people. Is is easy? No. Is it doable? Yes. Is it the right thing to do? Yes. Will it pay dividends? Yes. Will it shape your family and worldview for the better? Yes, definitely yes! Is America missing out? Sadly, yes. Every day, we miss out on beautiful, unclaimed treasures. Countless people who could enrich our lives, our homes, our communities and our children’s lives. We are the poor ones.

Pastor Laura

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