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Tag: work

Running a Marathon Would be Fun


I think it could be fun to run a marathon. Thousands of people do it every year. How hard could it really be? I have a few hours of free time to spare this evening. Why not? With such words, I charge out the door of my house. By the time I reach the end of my driveway, I begin to wonder if I shouldn’t have had a drink of water before I left. By the time I pass my neighbor’s driveway my lungs are making unnatural sounds. When I come to the next driveway there are shots of pain raging through my body, like trolls chasing me with little knives, gleefully plunging them into my muscles. A few more feet and it all goes black, I am sure I have come to death’s doorway, I collapse in a heap as a distant pack of wolves howls with delight. The weak one has been chosen from the heard. They will eat well tonight.

Few of us would actually attempt to run a marathon on just a whim, yet it is with just such enthusiasm we live our lives. Running a marathon takes months and even years of training and preparation. It takes changes in lifestyle and priorities. No one tries to run a marathon and succeeds. One has to train for a marathon. Daily though, many of us try to run the marathon of life without training and the results are good for the wolves and bad for us.

Last week we introduced the first three reasons why we need to take a Sabbath break. We need rest from being hurt, from heavy labors, and the pace of the world. These come from Matthew Sleeth’s book 24/6. If you missed the post you may read it here. This week is the second installment in our series.

We Need Rest from the Speed of Change
One of the greatest challenges colleges face today is they are training students for jobs that don’t yet exist requiring skills that are not yet known. The regular practice of Sabbath reminds us that there are some things that never change.

Jesus gives us a powerful example of the stabilizing force of routine and ritual in our lives. On the night when Jesus knows he is about to be betrayed and arrested Jesus knows that the disciples’ whole world is about to be turned on its head. What they thought they knew and understood about him, their lives and the future will be shattered. Change is coming. So, Jesus brings his disciples to the Passover meal. The central festival and meal for every Jewish person practiced faithfully from their days as young children to this day. Luke records in his Gospel “When the hour came, Jesus and his apostles reclined at the table. And he said to them, ‘I have eagerly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer'” (22:14-15, NIV).

The regular ritual of Sabbath (and other spiritual practices as well) are acts of training for when the marathon of life changes the rules and calls us to run.

We Need Rest from the Job
Changing jobs has become the rule rather than the exception in life. In our ever increasing gig economy, some find they are changing jobs every few months. As Matthew Sleeth says, “Resting is even more necessary in uncertain times. It helps us to remember that God is in control and that our identity is not dependent on the work that we do” (81). Stopping from the struggle and striving of work is an act of faith. It is trusting that God will provide. Jesus says:

“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life” (Matthew 6:25-27, NIV)

When we stop our work to rest in God it is an intentional act of choosing not to worry.

We Need Rest from Information
It has been said that the typical U.S. high school graduate knows more about science, mathematics, sociology, and politics than Thomas Jefferson. Our phones feed us continuous streams of information. We go to the gym to get away and twelve screens blast the day’s news and gossip while headphones in our ears feed even more data. We need to rest from the flood. We need time to process, to ponder and organize what it coming in. “Uninterrupted time allows us to separate what’s important from what’s merely urgent” (Sleeth 82).

Ponder for yourself. What do you need rest from? Did one of these six stands out to you? Or maybe there is another area you need rest in, if you comfortable please share in the comments.


Running at Full Throttle

Welcome back!

I know, you may be saying, “But I didn’t go anywhere!” You didn’t but I did. Over the last year, blogging has become like a hermit in a cave. Easter, though, is a season of resurrection and it is time again for me to resurrect The Milk Can. The Milk Can is a regular blog to supplement our ministry and leader development at Hope Church in Galesburg. I know that many of you, though, don’t attend our church. To you, I give the privilege of listening in. Your feedback and comments help to refine and make us all so much better.

In the Christian church, Easter is often a season of celebration and chaos. Many of us spend the weeks leading up to this Holy Week in frantic preparation. Then Sunday comes, we celebrate with friends and family. Ours was great! This was one of the best Easters for me personally in all my years of ministry. (Much of the credit for the success goes to the members of our worship team whose week in and week out dedication is easily taken for granted.) Then Monday comes and you know what happens? We keep our foot on the throttle, it may not be Easter anymore but another Sunday is coming and all those things we put off while we were getting ready for Easter now demand we address them. This may describe the reality of pastors but it is not really any different than the reality of many of our lives. Americans are running with our foot jammed on the throttle we are busy and stressed. It’s become a badge of honor for us to say we are “busy.” We fear being thought of as lazy. Full throttle living is taking its toll on us. In a recent article in the New York Times, “55 percent of adults said they had experienced stress during ‘a lot of the day’ prior” and “About 45 percent of the Americans surveyed said they had felt ‘a lot’ of worry the day before.”

At creation, God established cycles and seasons to life. Even if we didn’t choose to rest or take a Sabbath, nature forced us to rest. When the sun went down, the work had to stop. When the winter storms blew the pace of life slowed. To get to the next town over might take a day’s journey on foot. Even a generation ago work was slowed. When we walked out of our offices the work stayed where it was until the next morning. Now it follows us home in our pockets on our phones. TV stations played the national anthem and went off the air. Businesses closed at night and often on Sunday as well.

Those days are long gone. But our need for Sabbath rest remains. Today we must choose to change our lives and live differently.

Finding the rest we need begins with a question: “What is it that only you can do?”

Your answer to the question will focus priorities and establish the places of healing and reconciliation that Sabbath can bring.

At Hope, we are diving deep into a Summer of Rest as we explore the applications of Sabbath for each of our lives. Over the weeks ahead The Milk Can will give further insights as well.


How do we define ourselves?

hand tools
We are defined by the things we do and the roles we play. Husband, father, son, daughter, mother, and wife. CEO, General Manager, Assistant, Leader, Pastor, Chef, Salesman, Guide, and Janitor. This is what makes a period of unemployment so debilitating. When we lose our roles and titles we feel as though we have no identity and are stuck in an impossibly dark cloud trying to find a way out. We sift through job postings wondering if we want to be identified by the title while fearing being defined by nothing. Each time we hear a potential employer say “no” it chips away at what little sense of self-worth we have because we are defined by what we do and the roles we play.

But what if this is not how it should be?

What if our identity and worth are not to be found in who we are but in whose we are?

We are children of God. We to the one, who knowing everything about us, gave up everything for us.

What difference does that make?

Thoughts for today’s Milk Can come from a recent sermon preached by Katie Withrow at Hope. I highly recommend listening to the words she shared and pondering their implications. Listen Here.

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