In last week’s post I said that as Christians our adopted DNA is to be a blessing to all the nations of the world. But you might ask, what about our enemies and those who curse and hate us?
Allow to me to answer with a story. A few years ago I had the opportunity to hear an Army Chaplain share about the challenges of soldiers and their families before, during and after deployment. At the end of the discussion there was a chance for individuals in the room to ask questions. One person raised his hand and asked what her thoughts were on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Before the chaplain could give an answer, her commanding officer, who happened to also be in the room, jumped to his feet. He said, “you have asked a question that is above her pay grade, while she is in uniform she does not have an opinion.”
So I say, to those who are worried about our enemies and those who curse and hate us, the issue is not of our concern, it is above our pay grade. How can I say this? Let’s look again at what God said to Abram when he called him. “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse.” Did you catch that? God said the decision of who gets the privilege of being blessed or cursed, because of the way they interact with the people of God, is above our pay grade. The decision rests with God alone.
Jesus would take it one step further telling us to love our enemies and do good to those who hate us (Luke 6:27).
May we, as Christians, be known as those who serve full of grace, truth, and blessing.