
Dear Friends,

Every so often I will receive e-mails and text messages from individuals telling me they are praying for me. On more than one occasion, I have been on the verge of entering a trying situation, and have received a message from a friend just to say they are praying for me as I tackle the circumstance. Once in a while I have even been known to send such a message to a person to encourage them and let them know I am praying for them in what they are facing.

Did you know it is not just fallible persons who are praying for you, but Jesus is also praying for you? Paul tells us in Romans, that even right now, Jesus is at the right hand of God, praying, interceding for you (8:34). What is Jesus praying? He is praying that we might be one just as he and his Father are one, and that we might be brought to complete unity that the world might know about Jesus (John 17:21, 23). Furthermore, because Jesus is continually praying for you, you can have confidence that nothing will ever separate you from the love of Christ, no trouble, hardship, persecution, famine or nakedness (Romans 8:35). In any circumstance we may face know it will not prevent Jesus from praying for you and can never separate from his love.

And so, hear today Jesus say to you, “I am praying for you.”

Pastor Stephen